Landing pages trends in 2016

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Landing Pages Trends in 2020

The importance of getting your landing pages right can’t be understated. They can be the make or break of your digital marketing campaign.

68% of B2B businesses use landing pages to get new sales leads for future conversions. (The MarketingSherpa)
“When you neglect the landing page, the money you spend on acquisition and retention is largely wasted, flushed down the proverbial toilet.” (Time Ash, Maura Ginty, Rich Page, Landing Page Optimization)

Liquid has compiled the top trends for landing pages in 2020 to help you to achieve online.

01. Headlines

The headline of your landing page must play to your visitor’s basic needs. Let them know straight away what your offer is and how it can be of benefit to them. The best received headlines are those between 6 – 8 words long and for extra effect try using keywords in headlines but only if it reads naturally.

02. Full-screen background videos

Full-screen backgrounds videos on your landing pages will help to tell your story before the copy and your offer is even read.

03. Hidden menus

Rather than using navigation bars consider the use of hidden menus. Hidden menus will reduce distraction, keeping the focus on your message. By now your readers will know exactly where to look to find your menu.

04. Two columns

Splitting the screen into two columns places the importance clearly on both your headline and your sign up or contact form.

05. Gifs

Gifs on landing pages have many more advantages for product demonstration than video. They play quicker, on a loop and readers don’t even have to click play.

These five trends in landing pages should be considered in conjunction with the basics of landing page design principles:

  • Have a clear call to action
  • Less text is more (see below for some more tips on the copy)
  • Keep the landing page clean/not cluttered
  • Pick the right imagery to suit the emotions you want to evoke
  • Use bullet points
  • Use contrasting colours
  • Create a sense of urgency
  • Remove distractions and outbound links where possible

“Instead of one-size-fits-all, create multiple landing pages for the same call to action to suit the user’s preferences.” (Rohan Ayyar)

For your landing page copy you should craft the content with these aspects in mind:

  • Talk TO your customer, not AT them
  • Use benefits/solutions driven language
  • Appeal to their emotions
  • Be convincing
  • Be conversational

In order to convert your landing pages must be SEO optimised, easy to read and with a strong, clear call to action. For help with designing and implementing your landing pages in 2020 contact the brand agency Liquid Creativity team, your local branding specialist.


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