NEW MEDIA | POSTED ON 05.05.2015
The New Google Update and Your Website
In the last few years mobile responsiveness has been considered a bit of a luxury – as of last month, it is a necessity.
Here’s what you need to know! The most recent Google update has last month begun its roll out, and if you’re not ready this one could really hurt your search engine rankings and therefore your website traffic and then enquiries and sales. It’s a flow on effect that has wide reaching implications.
The use of mobile devices has now overtaken that of desktops leading Google to reconsider how they determine search results rankings. If you don’t have a mobile responsive website it’s time to get one.
Essentially, if your site is not mobile friendly then you won’t show when potential customers conduct a search on their mobile phone.
While many large purchases are still made via desktops or tablets, the mobile phone searches represent the bulk of the initial searches and research – 66-90% of the buying journey. Can you afford to not be found?
Benefits of a mobile responsive site:
- Accessible for tablets, laptops, desktops, TV and smartphones
- Increases your audience
- Provides a higher chance of increasing your conversion rates and sales
- It’s easier for visitors to use and therefore increases browsing time
- Your site can be more easily bookmarked, read later and shared via social media
- Compacts content which reduces site management time
- Easier to access from anywhere, anytime
- Eliminated the need for a separate site and duplicated content
- You’ll increase your visibility in search engines like Google
If you are concerned or unsure of the mobile responsiveness of your current website the first thing you can do is to run your URL through the Google Mobile Friendly Test which you can find here.
If you receive the mobile friendly tick of approval then, for now, you’re fine – you may even move up in the rankings as your competitors without mobile friendly sites are dropped lower.
If you receive a ‘Not Mobile Friendly’ message then it’s time to talk to your website designer to discuss your options to safeguard your ranking and visibility.
To learn more, contact your local brand agency Liquid Creativity today.
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