Embracing Social Responsibility

BRANDING   |   POSTED ON 11.08.2015

Embracing Social Responsibility Offers Better Branding Opportunities

Let’s be honest, the underlying reasons most of us are in business is to earn a living, afford a certain lifestyle and make money, but should that opportunity come with a responsibility? – a social responsibility?

We do have a responsibility to be inclusive, environmentally sustainability, where possible, and treat all people with respect and dignity. But embracing social responsibility in your business and your branding also opens up an opportunity to engage and connect with your audience. But how can you not only implement but promote your social responsibility? Our top tips are here to help:

Promote Common Values

Across cultures, geography, demographics, races and religions the importance of family and friends transcends them all. By highlighting that your business efforts are motivated by the same values which are important to your market you will build a common bond, a common goal.

With more and more emphasis being placed on being environmentally friendly, promoting your efforts and showing that it is important to you too will again show that you share a common value with your customers.

Think Globally

With the popularity and availability of the Internet the marketplace is now global, despite where in the world you are located or the size and structure of your business. Embrace the opportunity, extend your reach and expand your branding power.

Offer Transparency

If you look at the example of Farmers’ Markets or Paddock-to-Plate programmes you will see the importance customers are placing on knowing exactly where the products that they buy come from.

Being transparent in your business practices, products and processes you will serve to humanise your business and create a connection that goes beyond a simple, singular sale.

Display Diversity

Unless your target market is extremely narrow in its demographics, showing that your business embraces diversity will open up your audience potential and allow many more people to connect with your business.

Use website and marketing material copy, imagery, blog posts, articles, social media to display that your business takes social responsibility seriously and that you have common values, embrace a global market, are honest and transparent in your offering and business operations, and are accepting of diversity, whatever the form it takes.

To learn more about social responsibility and your brand, contact your local branding agency Liquid Creativity today.


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